Just a Little Extra Help Falling Asleep

Sometimes all you need to fall asleep more easily is a little help in the form of a distraction, or some relaxation. Better yet, something that does both.

I often find my mind spinning a thousand miles an hour after I climb in bed and turn the light off. That’s when my brain decides it needs to “solve the world’s problems” (mom quote!). I used to watch TV to distract my monkey-mind, and I would quickly fall asleep. Unfortunately, then I would wake up a half hour later, or an hour, or  even three, with the TV still flashing and screeching some obnoxious infomercial at me. Not so easy to fall back asleep at that point.

I’ve found that relaxation audios – or even videos – work wonders in lulling me to sleep. While it may seem counterintuitive, when I’m so awake I have trouble even keeping my eyes closed, a video occupies me visually enough that I can relax and let go. I find my eyes automatically drifting shut. I have favorites I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts that I go back to time and time again. But I’ve recently found a new one that I find perfect when I need a little calming visual stimulation (oxymoron?) to help me relax.

There’s just something so calming and relaxing about the blue water and the slow, graceful movements of the sea creatures. And if you do fall sound asleep, this video doesn’t have the flashing lights and darks of a normal TV show that can wake you up abruptly and keep you from falling back asleep.

Give this beautiful video a try next time you’re struggling for sleep, and see if it helps you!


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