Christmas Holiday Season 2016

♪ It’s the most weariful time of the year ♫

But it shouldn’t, and doesn’t have to be!

The holiday season – here it is again, and odds are you’re gearing up for this busy season by trying to cram additional household tasks, shopping trips, social events and family gatherings into your already busy schedule.

What part of your allotted 24 hours per day will get short shrift?

  • Work? Not likely. Work often seems to get even busier during the holidays. Maybe you work retail sales, or you provide services that everyone wants done right before special days like salon services or house cleaning, or maybe you are responsible for providing back up for co-workers taking holiday time off.
  • Workout time? You may find that you just don’t have time for that daily hour-long gym visit during this time of year. Even though this is the season you probably need your workouts more than ever (more calories from yummy holiday eats and drinks that need burning off, or added stress that needs relieving), you may shorten your treadmill time or only hit the gym a couple of times a week for the duration.
  • Family time? Could be. With so much to get done, you may spend less time with your sig other and kids while you run from shop to shop for that perfect present, or spend hours in the kitchen cooking traditional family recipes.

But what is likely to be the first thing to go?

Sleep. While you may be able to shave a few valuable minutes off some of your other daily responsibilities, sleep is the thing that seems the easiest to shorten to “add productive hours” to your day. We humans are really good at functioning on less sleep, especially in the short term. Note the term ‘functioning’ and not thriving. We are NOT at our best when we short ourselves on sleep on a regular basis.

While it may be tempting to stay up late composing your holiday letter, or set that alarm clock an hour or two earlier so you can clean the house for visiting family, try not to fall for this shortcut. TRY HARD. To get more done in less time, with less frustration and let’s face it, screw ups, you must be fresh and alert. But most importantly, to truly enjoy this joyous season with your friends and loved ones and make happy memories, you must be well rested.

Don’t cheat yourself on sleep this holiday season. You won’t be sorry.

Be rested, and fully enjoy the holidays! is owned and operated by Sleep Satisfaction, LLC. Information found on this site, or other sites linked to by us, is not intended to replace the advice of qualified physicians or healthcare professionals. Please consult your physician for advice concerning any medical condition and/or treatment.